Neurodiversity and typos “Their are beter thins to wory aboat.”
Updated: Nov 19, 2024

Whether this title makes you rage, laugh, or read on -- it’s true. There are better things to worry about than typos and grammatical errors.
A shock coming from a writer? I hope so.
Yes, we’re employed to get it right -- it’s our job, but the bigger picture is a love of writing and sharing stories.
As my recent LinkedIn poll showed, neurodiversity is more accepted than you think, so don’t let typos and grammar errors stop you from sharing your story and experience.
Yes, people notice typos, yes they care, but they also seem to make allowances in general for neurodiversity, your role (not a copywriter or journo), and the type of document (formal/informal).
Almost 90% of people notice typos and grammar errors, according to 1296 LinkedIn users.
Of those, almost 100 people commented (many holding senior roles), perhaps because they felt the need to clarify their thoughts on typos and grammar -- it was certainly a hot topic -- who knew?
As one user put it, “Notice, yes, all the time. Judgement and altered decision making I try to avoid.”
Neurodiversity is a writing superpower
In our experience, those who are neurodiverse expect to make mistakes, and for that reason, they either don’t write or are very aware of their mistakes.
Being self-aware is great -- more people could use this skill. Self-doubt, though, is the opposite -- we need to read your words.
Firstly, not writing because you’re scared of being judged is understandable -- but we’re missing your wisdom if you’d like to share it -- we want to hear it.
Secondly, being aware of mistakes is better than thinking you’re so great you don’t need to edit or proofread -- we all need to do that -- even writers.
Thirdly, people get that typos happen more often on social and in a text message.
As one LinkedIn user said, “I notice them [typos], and it’s not important to me providing the medium isn’t legally binding/contractual if it’s a friend I might be inclined to share with them how as a dyslexic early school leaver I try to manage my poor spelling and grammar. Some people are very invested in vilifying bad spelling, but they just haven’t thought further enough to why someone is communicating poorly in the first place.”
Another said, “Humans make mistakes and sometimes we are too busy to double check or maybe we even have dyslexia. I can live with mistakes even though I notice them. On the other hand, The BBC news app and published stories is always letting it slip, now that gets right on my nerves 😬”
Just imagine the stories we wouldn’t have heard if people hadn’t posted or talked because they were worried about a typo.
Typos in informal and formal documents
LinkedIn users who commented on the poll also identified that typos in a formal document are viewed differently to social messages typed on a mobile device.
“Absolutely, typing on ultra small smartphone keys, in a discussion is very different from a formal document.”
Whether you’re writing a social post, filling in a web form, or writing a novel -- there are proven methods that you can use to avoid typos and grammatical errors. If you still make them, you gave it your best shot -- it’s the story that counts.
Try to:
Write first (your personality and story should take centre stage).
Proofread (use tools and ask other people if time allows for formal docs).
Proofread again.
If it’s social, people won’t care as much about typos -- formal documents need more time, though. Even then, you just try your best.
Tools like Grammarly have plugins that sit on your computer and phone, so whether you’re typing a text, a client email, a social post, or writing a formal document -- you’ll have a little help to avoid typos.
Most people chime in here and say phones have spell checkers, and what about MS Word -- but you’ll find that apps like Grammarly pick up far more mistakes, in context, and have more tools -- like tone.
There’s a free version and a paid version of Grammarly.
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